Can You Get Waxed/Sugared While onYour Period?

Welcome to Empire Wax Center! One question we often hear from clients is, “Can I get
waxed while on my period?” It’s a common concern, and we’re here to provide you with
the information you need to make an informed decision.

The Short Answer: Yes, You Can!

Many clients choose to get waxed while on their period, and it’s generally safe to do so.
However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind to ensure a comfortable

What to Consider

1. Timing Matters

  • If possible, try to schedule your appointment for the days when your flow is
    lighter. This can help make the experience more comfortable.

2. Increased Sensitivity

  • Hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle can make your skin more
    sensitive. If you’re concerned about discomfort, consider taking an over-thecounter pain reliever about 30 minutes before your appointment.

3. Communicate with Your Esthetician

  • Let your esthetician know you’re on your period. They can take extra care to
    ensure your comfort and may adjust their techniques if necessary.

4. Hygiene Matters

  • If you’re getting a bikini wax, it’s a good idea to use a tampon or menstrual cup
    to keep things hygienic. Most estheticians are very understanding and will ensure
    that everything is as comfortable as possible.

Benefits of Waxing During Your Period

  • Smooth Skin: Waxing during your period can help you maintain smooth skin,
    especially if you’re planning to wear swimsuits or sleeveless tops.
  • Less Discomfort Later: Some clients find that scheduling appointments during
    their period can lead to less discomfort in the days following, as there’s no need
    to worry about shaving afterward.

When to Consider Rescheduling

While waxing during your period is generally fine, you may want to reschedule if you:

  • Are experiencing severe cramps or discomfort.
  • Have a heavy flow that makes you uncomfortable during the appointment.
  • Feel anxious or unsure about the process.


You can absolutely get waxed while on your period, and many clients do so without any
issues. With proper communication and a few adjustments, your appointment can be
smooth and comfortable.

Ready to Book Your Appointment?

If you’re looking to maintain that smooth skin, don’t hesitate to schedule your waxing
appointment today! Our friendly team is here to provide a comfortable and professional
experience, ensuring you leave feeling confident and refreshed. Let’s keep your skin
beautiful, no matter the time of the month!

[Book Your Appointment Now!]

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Rest assured, getting waxed or sugared while on your period is safe and can
be a perfectly comfortable option with the right preparations in place.